Mission Statement

            Ten, Tiny, Talks strives to further the revolutionary act and ceremony of Trans and Queer self-love by celebrating art created for and by Black and Indigenous trans and queer people across the globe in a season of ten films and performances. Ten, Tiny, Talks supports trans and queer people sharing their stories, heritage and trans/queercestry through a non-traditional artist-in-residency that focuses on the Black, Indigenous, trans and queer creative diaspora. We are devoted to devised, written, theatrical, and multi-media art and films that speak to the non-western/American canon.


Qualifications for Artists-In-Residency Program

The Ten, Tiny, Talks residency is a program of T & A Grand Theater and Media and is intended for Black, Indigenous, trans and queer artists. Ten, Tiny, Talks understand that to be Black, Indigenous and gifted is to be in a rage almost all the time and no paper is required as proof of our identities to each other. We acknowledge that gender is a spectrum and the word “transgender” is one that describes an infinite possibility of identities and experiences. This includes agender, fluidity, two-spirit, and intersex worlds on top of the future incarnation of names or words that we may choose to call ourselves, regardless of how someone was assigned at birth. We recognize that comfort in our bodies and our worlds is one of the most important birthrights and that dysphoria is not a necessary qualifier for being trans or queer. By applying the applicant claims Black and/or Indigenous heritage and also identifies as trans and queer.

If you are not Black, Indigenous, trans or queer, you can support our mission by promoting what we do and encouraging people that qualify to apply or volunteering. Another way you can be involved and support Ten, Tiny, Talks is by donating to us.